LWDA Partners With We Rock The Spectrum To Empower Children With Autism

05/29/2018 02:46

For Immediate Release

May 28, 2018,

-St. Louis, MO

Leah Willis Dance Arts always strives for changing the lives of those we interact with for the better. As such, LWDA continues to impact the communities we serve, by utilizing our profession to heal others that may live with medical challenges. The Art Form of Dance is, in itself, a form of communication and delivers many building blocks to the synapses of the brain which promote healthy physical growth, linguistic learning, coping mechanisms, mathematical comprehension, emotional resiliency and more. Engaging in partnerships with organizations that satisfy the connection of helping to build and fortify Individuals with all possible skills, facets and aptitude for a life of success is paramount for LWDA. We Rock The Spectrum Kids Gym seeks to inspire, encourage, teach and support children and families, with as many tools as possible, for the overall development and well-being of every child, whether living with an autism spectrum disorder, or not. Therefore, a partnership has been established between LWDA and We Rock The Spectrum Kids Gym in St. Ann, Missouri.

Click the link below to read the full article!

LWDA Partners With We Rock The Spectrum To Empower Children With Autism