LWDA's Main I.A.E. Location Gets All Access!

12/09/2021 10:16

Las Vegas, NV. December 9, 2021- For Immediate Release:

LWDA has definitely had an exciting and eventful 11 years thus far. After being commissioned back to the state of Nevada beginning in 2021, LWDA has had a a great deal of settling in to do! One of the main concerns for the organization, was where our main Innovative Arts Education Program (I.A.E.) would be stationed. LWDA is generally a Mobile Entity, collaborating on site directly with schools, facilities and businesses in the communities at large. However our main I.A.E. program is our largest program offering, and usually operates from one location, seeing as it spans the entire academic year. Therefore, the search for a professional, hygienic, safe, family friendly and fully equipped space began at the beginning of Summer 2021.

Well, that search has now thankfullly come to an end! LWDA is very excited to announce the our I.A.E. Program will be held at: Backstage Dance Studio!




This facility is centrally located in the Vegas Valley. It includes:



  • High spec audio and visual equipment and professionals who manage it meticulously. 
  • State of the art dance studios with sprung floating floors.
  • Ample free parking for patrons.
  • A comfortable lounge with sofas, T.V. and banquet tables.
  • So much more!

The professional staff have already made LWDA feel welcome with their family-style of business operations. 

This year is poised to be the best year yet! This time around, LWDA is making great efforts to ensure that the Homeschooling Communities of families, students and educators are welcome to our programs! LWDA's Founders are a Homeschooling Family, and know firsthand how important it is to involve their children in wholesome, educational, well-rounded and engaging activities that promote life long learning and growth. Having LWDA as an outlet has been highly beneficial for their children, and they want families across the Las Vegas Valley to enjoy these programs as well. 

Registration is now open! The Winter/Spring 2022 Performing Arts Education Season begins on January 2, 2022 and will run until June 30, 2022. Spread the word, get ready, and we are looking forward to seeing you for the best year yet!